Obesitology Section of Slovakian Diabetes Society (OS SDS) was founded in 2002 with the aim to promote research and dissemination of knowledge in the field of obesity and related aspects relevant to society and scientific community (epidemiology, nutrition, physical activity, management including behaviour and comorbidities). The main task of the OS SDS is to bring together physicians, healthcare professionals and scientists involved in obesity and to represent their professional interests with the ultimate goal to generate new knowledge and to support innovative treatment strategies for patients with obesity and comorbidities (). Currently OS SDS has 157 active members.
OS SDS presents, publishes and promotes practical guidelines, suggestions and expert-opinions arising from the clinical and basic obesitology science, bringing in the cutting-edge diagnostic, therapeutic and scientific practices, discussing ethical issues, legal norms and further education in the field of obesitology. OS SDS organizes scientific meetings and encourages the participation of its members at scientific meetings at home and abroad (EASO, CECON, World Obesity Federation meetings). OS SDS informs its members about the latest diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, collaborates with scientific and health organizations both in Slovakia and abroad and supports collaborative efforts and international exchange of experts. OS SDS supports research in obesitology and proposes awards to SDS for achievements in the field of obesitology.
Since its foundation in 2002 OS SDS organizes annual Slovak Congress on Obesity with international participation, since 2015 separate blocks of lectures for nurses and nutrition assistants were introduced. In 2018, we are preparing for the first time a section dedicated to patients' organizations.
In 2009, OS SDS coordinated publication of The Guidelines for the obesity management in adults and contributed to The Interdisciplinary European Guidelines for Metabolic Surgery. 42 renowned experts contributed to monography entitled Clinical Obesitology (2013) the first handbook on Obesity published in Slovakia. Members of OS-SDS actively contribute to Obesity EDUC program presenting major issues of Obesity management and research to medical professional community on the pages of Via Practica (the journal for General Practitioners). State-of-the-art obesitology knowledge dissemination is also provided in collaboration with professional journal Forum Diabetologicum and Bedeker Zdravia as well as with the e-learning portal which is active in preparation of the educational presentations for physicians.
OS SDS is an active member of Slovak Medical Society and Slovak Diabetes Society. Members of OS SDS actively participated in creating the scientific program of 5th CECON 2015 in Budapest. 10th April 2017 Slovakian Diabetes Society and Obesitology Section of Slovakian Diabetes Society ratified and endorsed the DSS-II consensus statements and guidelines.
OS SDS have prepared various activities contributing to the European Obesity Day by establishing 1st and 2nd Slovak Obesity Day (2016, 2017) in several cities in Slovakia. The 3rd European and Slovak Obesity Day is scheduled for 19 May 2018.
Today we are very proud to welcome you on 6th Central European Congress on obesity and 15th Slovak Congress on Obesity in Bratislava.